Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It's silly season in Tulsa, as local politicians prepare for the upcoming elections.

Republican Anna Falling is running for mayor. She says the most important thing she can do for Tulsa is to put a creationism display at the Tulsa Zoo. She told her supporters, "We need to first of all recognize the fact that God needs to be honored in this city."

She was answered with calls of "hallelujah."

She promised to appoint to government people who will "honor God." She later made it clear she was referring only to church going Christians. Jews evidently need not apply.
City Councilor Jack Henderson, who is black, accused his fellow city counselors, who are white, of racism.
The other counselors responded by claiming they are not either racist, so there.
Chris Trail is running for the City Council. His background includes:
  • A protective order against him from his wife.
  • An arrest for food code violations.
  • Outstanding tax liens.
  • Personal bankruptcy.

Trail says all of that is behind him now.


Karl Hulcher is running for the City Council. His background includes:

  • A second degree arson conviction.
  • A D.U.I. conviction.
  • Charges of attempting to escape from an officer, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, speeding and driving under suspension, all dismissed.
  • Two domestic abuse charges involving his son, dismissed.
  • A domestic abuse charge involving his father, dismissed.
  • A protective order filed against him by his ex-wife.
  • A protective order filed against him by his father.

Hulcher says all that is behind him now.


In other local news...
The school district announced that most Tulsa public schools are on the No Child Left Behind Oklahoma School Improvement List. This does not mean schools have improved. This is government-speak. It means the schools are failing.
The court has charged a Tulsa elementary school principal with contributing to the delinquency of a minor by encouraging two boys, 10 and 11 years old, to fight it out in the hallway. In fact, she had to pull one of the boys out of class to set up the fight.

Meth labs are springing up around Tulsa, in country homes, apartments, motels, in the woods, vans and cars. Workers found the latest one on the steps of the State Services Building downtown. The building houses, among other agencies, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol.


1 comment:

Tulsa guy said...

"Here in Tulsa, a man mugged three old ladies at knife point in one night. After each mugging, he would remove a piece of his clothing to throw off identification."

Clever move. In the end, all the old ladies will be able to remember is helmet or anteater.


"What is not clear from the headline is whether the attacker or the attackee had the harmonica."

Perhaps the attacker was an endless two-noter who had just gotten some negative feedback on his playing from the victim.