Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Clemson University has studied double-dipping at parties.

Researchers found that three to six double dips transferred about 10.000 bacteria to the dip, and 50 to 100 bacteria back to the chip.

One scientist says that's "like kissing everyone at the party."

And what's wrong with that?


Researchers in Japan have bred transparent goldfish.

You can look right through them and see the fishy insides.

And these are big fish, maybe a couple pounds each.

The big advantage is that scientists can study their internal organs without dissecting the fish.

And that's good for the goldfish.


Today I had a CT scan.

I have one of these every three months to see if my cancer has returned.

But CT scans also increase the risk of cancer.

Sometimes you just can't win for losing.


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