Saturday, December 26, 2009


Here's a roundup of what the world did on Christmas.

In Rome, a crazy lady attacked the pope at midnight mass. We don't know if she doesn't like the pope, or likes him too much.


In the West Bank, as Israel eased up on roadblocks for Christmas, Palestinian gunmen took advantage of the easy access to kill an Israeli Jew. These attacks were pretty common before the roadblocks went up.


Churches in Baghdad held midnight mass in the daytime for security reasons.


Sunni bombings across Iraq killed Shiites celebrating Ashouri, in revenge for something that happened 1,329 years ago.


A Pennsylvania high school student was serving a suspension for wearing a Santa suit to school. The boy was charged with "defiance of authority."


Christmas day was Mitzvah Day in and around Detroit, a nearly 20 year tradition where Jews -- who don't celebrate Christmas -- help Christians -- who do -- to make Christmas happy.

This year Muslims joined the hundreds of volunteers to deliver toys to the needy and food to the hungry,


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