Saturday, November 13, 2010


Washington Democrats and Republicans have finally come together on something.

The House of Representatives has passed the All American Flag Act.  It requires the federal government to only buy American flags that are actually made in America.  The Senate is expected to go along.

Most American flags are made in China.

And aren't Chinese/American flags one of the major problems facing our country today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One would hope the idiots in Washingon would figure it out that buying American would be helpful to American workers. It is not magic. Laws requiring this sort of thing are nice but common sense would make the point moot.

Perhaps placing the Senators and Congressmen in a cage and placing them in a zoo would be a good message to their replacements. Can't you just see them picking and eating bugs off of each other all day long?

These folks have been struck with the stupid stick too many times to be of any good anymore.

Why is the US Government buying any military supplies or anything from anybody other than Americans?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what are our elected officials thinking?

Dr. Morocco