Monday, July 26, 2010


British boatmen wearing royal livery are conducting a count of swans in the Thames.  By law, all the swans in England belong to the queen.

It's good to be queen.


Anonymous said...

Do you know what the Queen does with the swans?

Would you have a recipe for baked stuffed swan? Chicken fried swan?

Dr. Morocco

Marc said...

Swan possestion by commoners became illegal in the 12th century, when swans were a dish served only at royal banquets.

This recipe comes from the 14th century cookbook Le Menagier de Paris.

"RECLOTHED SWAN in its skin with all the feathers. Take it and split it between the shoulders, and cut it along the stomach: then take off the skin from the neck cut at the shoulders, holding the body by the feet; then put it on the spit, and skewer it and gild it. And when it is cooked, it must be reclothed in its skin, and let the neck be nice and straight or flat; and let it be eaten with yellow pepper."

Anonymous said...
