Thursday, October 15, 2009


The twenty-year-old was showing off when he popped a wheelie with his motorcycle in a Tulsa parking lot.

He crashed and died.

Here in Oklahoma, it's not uncommon for a guy's last words to be, "Watch this!"


News release from the Pastor Marc Grizzard at the Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, North Carolina:

"Come to our Halloween book burning. We are burning Satan's bibles like the NIV, RSV, NKJV, TLB, NASB, NEV, NRSV, ASV, NWT, Good News for Modern Man, The Evidence Bible, The Message Bible, The Green Bible, ect. These are perversions of God's Word the King James Bible."

They'll also be burning books by "heretics," such as James Dobson, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Robert Schuller, Mother Teresa and the Pope.

Not sure what's so special about the KJV, given that the original books of the bible were not in English. I think religion just makes people goofy.


A Philadelphia roofer died falling 125 feet off a church.

There is no God.


Mom and dad were helping their 15 year old put up a ham radio antenna in Florida when the mast hit a 13,000 volt power line.

The bad news is, they were all electrocuted.

The good news is, the 13,000 volt signal was received in Australia.

(I just made up that last part. There was no good news.)


Six protesters were arrested for trying to plant pot at the Drug Enforcement Administration headquarters in Virginia.

To be fair, they say they were planting hemp seeds. But the hemp plant is indistinguishable from the pot plant. They're the same plant.

Nice try, guys. Go smoke a rope.


Joseph Stalin's grandson sued a Russian newspaper for reporting that Stalin was a "bloodthirsty cannibal" who sent thousands of people to their to their deaths.

But the court ruled that Stalin was, in fact, a bloodthirsty cannibal who sent thousands of people to there deaths, so there.

(Actually, Stalin's policies resulted in the deaths of tens of millions, but why quibble.)


And on this day in 1812, a wannabe assassin shot former president Theodore Roosevelt in a Milwaukee auditorium. Roosevelt stopped the audience from lynching the guy, and then went on to deliver a 90 minute speech before going to the hospital. He carried that bullet in his chest for the rest of his life.

What a guy!


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