Saturday, February 9, 2008


Some Oklahoma churches are having a kerfuffle. It's about music.

Lot's of churches have music. Some have organs or, God help us, guitars. Many have choirs.

The Church of Christ has choirs. But the one in Quail Springs has added musical instruments. And evidently, that's an Unchristly thing to do.

No musical instruments are ever mentioned in the New Testament. There's a lot dueling scripture here. A competing church calls the the musical pastor a "false teacher for adding elements to the worship which God did not authorize."

At my childhood Conservative Jewish synagogue, the singing was a capella, in a minor key. Playing musical instruments on the sabbath is a sin. But the cantor did use a pitch pipe, which did not go un-noticed or un-commented upon.

Some reform congregations use instruments, but Orthodox Jews don't consider Reform Jews to be really Jewish.

Ever notice how religion brings people together? Me neither.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess what? Churches of Christ don't have choirs, either! Hoo boy, if one did, they'd probably get an ad from those people, too!

I attend the Quail Springs Church of Christ and I totally understand why this seems silly to you...and why religion doesn't bring people together. In fact, I agree. But I hope you won't use the folly that sometimes attends "religion" to keep you from knowing God.

One more thing: we have five cats, too. I think we may be going overboard on the cat thing. ; )

(sorry to go anonymous, but things are kinda crazy around here...)