Sunday, May 29, 2011


Here's a piece of the most lunatic letter to the editor this week, from my local newspaper "The Tulsa World."
"The electoral college needs to be abandoned before the 2012 election. If not, the 'governmental dependent' will elect him again. We cannot stand another four years of Obama's liberal ideas. In the 2008 election, the number of states won by McCain - 29; by Obama - 19; square miles of land won by McCain - 2,427,000, by Obama - 580,000; and population of counties won by McCain - 143 million, by Obama - 127. The land area won by McCain was owned by taxpaying U.S. citizens, Obama carried the inner-city welfare areas."
Since Barack Obama won the popular vote, it's hard to see how abolishing the electoral college would have changed things. Perhaps if the vote were limited to white male landowners, as our founding fathers intended...?

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