Friday, November 13, 2009


The war against the homeless continues.

Earlier I reported on a town in New Jersey that stopped a church from feeding homeless people. Now it's happening in Arizona.

Phoenix has ordered the CrossRoads United Methodist Church to stop feeding the homeless at the church. It seems that the area is zoned residential, not commercial. And the neighbors don't want homeless people in a neighborhood where some people actually have homes.

Take that, you homeless people!


Some Italian churches are replacing the holy water basins with dispensers that squirt a single serving of holy water for the faithful. This is to prevent worshippers from catching swine flu from the holy water.

But as my wife, who is possibly Catholic (She claims to be a converted Methodist but I say once you're born Catholic, that's it.) asks, "How can you catch flu from holy water? It's holy!"

Yes, but maybe God just loves all creatures, even down to the smallest virus.


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