People lined up at the polls today.
But it was a week too early.
All around the country today people are voting.
But not in Oklahoma.
In Oklahoma, the first Thursday in November is election day.
But not in odd numbered years.
In odd numbered years municipal elections are held the second Tuesday in November.
Go figure.
Some new laws are going into effect in Oklahoma this Sunday.
- All members of the armed forces during times of combat will be exempt from jury duty.
- Mothers who are breast feeding will be exempt from jury duty. (No titties in the courtroom.)
- Human cloning will be illegal in Oklahoma.
So there'll be no breast-feeding combat-clones on Oklahoma juries.
Just across the Oklahoma line, the town of Wakita, Kansas, wants to build a Christian prison.
It would be a private prison. The mayor and other city leaders are all for it.
The staff would all be Christians. No Jews allowed.
Is this even legal?
Wayland University, a Christian collage, would set up a satellite campus to teach an all Christian curriculum. All prisoners would have to participate.
The idea is to reduce the recidivism rate. But given the low incarceration and recidivism rate among Jewish people, wouldn't it make more sense to get a bunch of Rabbis in there teaching the Talmud?
I'm just askin'.
New Jersey is holding a Fugitive Safe Surrender program so criminals can turn themselves in without going to jail. Violent crimes are not covered, but the amnesty does include bribery, extortion and racketeering.
There are about 9,000 eligable fugitives in Essex County alone.
Are you listening, Tony Soprano?