Tuesday, June 23, 2009


"Jews killed Jesus! Yes, the Jews killed the Lord Jesus. Now they're carrying water for the fags; that's what they do best: sin in God's face every day, with unprecedented and disproportionate amounts of sodomy, fornication, adultery, abortion and idolatry! God hates these dark-hearted rebellious disobedient Jews.”

And --

“Men, take the covering off your heads. While you are doing that, you need to repent of the fact that you killed Christ! All the remainder can sit and stew in your own filth, remain filthy until the day God spews you out of the land and punishes you for never repenting from having killed Jesus. You will be destroyed at the hand of Antichrist Obama, and you will eat your little cute, chubby, Kosher babies.”

-- Pastor Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Pastor Phelps is usually a pretty good guy when he is taking his meds. He was really sorry for drowning that 18 year old girl while baptising her in the Name of Christ! Is it just me or do I sense an anti semitic tone in his sermon today?

Dr. Morocco