Sunday, October 12, 2008


Jews and Muslims celebrated the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur in the Israeli town of Acre by throwing stones at each other.

It took police with tear gas, stun grenades and water cannons to break up the celebration.

Meanwhile, a Lebanese business group is planning to sue Israel for selling hummus. The Lebanese Industrial Association says that Hummus is a Lebanese dish. Spokesman Fadi Abboud says, "It is not enough they are stealing our land. They are also stealing our civilization and our cuisine."

The group also plans to go after Israeli tabbouleh, falafel and baba ghannouj.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am willing to look the other way because of past transgressions againist the Jewish People.

But there is a limit. Hummus, tabbouleh what is next, stuffed grape leaves? Enough is enough. Court and being sued is the only thing these people will understand.

Dr. Morocco