Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pay attention, panhandlers, here are some new laws regulating your business.

You can panhandle in Macon, Georgia, but only if you tell the truth. So if you say your car ran out of gas and you need money to get to Cincinnati for your aunt's funeral, your car better be on empty, you better be going to Cincinnati and your aunt better be dead.

And in Minneapolis you can only panhandle solo. No more panhandling in groups; you're scaring people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as helpful as that is, im sure, for those in georgia, i wanted to inquire further as to the pandhandling laws in other places. specificaly oklahoma. my boyfriend and i are about to travel through there, and i was wondering if you knew of a site, or if you knew yourself, what the laws are in OK.
feel free to email me if you want to respond at