Monday, February 1, 2010


Big rally today at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

Participating groups include the Oklahoma Tea Party, Tulsa County G.O.P., Oklahoma Chapter of the John Birch Society, Oklahoma Second Amendment Association and Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ.

Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a bit surprised that Oklahoma needs reclaiming for Christ. There are certainly plenty of bible thumping believers in green country.

Did I miss something, has there been a big influx of infidels? Sure there are a couple of stray Hebrews and Muslims but it can't be that many. If you go to Night Trips or Cloud Nine Lounge you hardly meet any unsavories.

It must be that I wasn't paying attention. Golly if you want to see a real big bunch of infidels come to NYC. You can not swing a dead cat without hitting an infidel. Hell they do not even try to blend in. The place is loaded with chinks as well and who knows what they believe in. I do like their rice and egg rolls.

Dr. Morocco