Sunday, April 29, 2007

"Testing Scarless Surgery, Doctors Remove a Gallbladder Through the Vagina" (Headline from the New York Times).

Where do I go with this?

This is a story about laparoscopic surgery. That's where surgeons make a small slit, insert a tube, and operate by remote control. This is much less invasive than conventional surgery, and avoids having to open the chest or abdomen.

To hide the scar, surgeons will sometimes go in thru the belly button or an existing orifice. In the past, doctors removed a patient's appendix through his mouth.

Who knows? In the future doctors might repair my heart through my asshole.

1 comment:

mitchgib said...

Hi ! laughed at your comments ! I had lap surgery through abdomen to take out gallbladder. I am much less fond of my bellybutton than I am of my vagina, I'm thinking I made the right choice !